I, ________, take you, my very best of friends, ________, to be my husband/wife.
I vow to always place God first in our relationship and to always help you do the same.
Eu prometo que vou te amar agora e para sempre.
I vow to place you as a seal over my heart.
Eu prometo que deste dia, você nunca vai ficar sozinha.
I vow to never do wrong by you.
Eu prometo que vou mostrar meu respeito para todos de seus talentos únicos.
I vow to not take myself too seriously.
Eu prometo que vou assistir você na realização de todos de seus sonhos.
I vow to always play with you, laugh with you, dream with you and pray with you.
Eu prometo para sempre ser seu refúgio nas tempestades desta vida.
I vow that through the troubles of today and the uncertainties of tomorrow, to you I will always be faithful.
Eu prometo que vou lutar para nosso amor.
I vow to be a constant student of your love, admirer of your character and companion for your soul.
I vow to make my love for you burn so fiercely that you will feel its warmth from whatever far corner of the earth to which I may one day be sent.
________, it is my utmost desire to always love, serve and care for you completely. I will always cherish the time we have together because I know that every second which I spend with you is simply another gift from God. I look forward to our future together and I cannot help but smile. I want for nothing more on this earth than to grow old with you by my side.
________, my final vow to you is this: Eu prometo que vou te dar todo de meu amor, todo de meu corpo e toda de minha alma então podemos criar um amor, um corpo e uma alma como nosso Pai e Deus comandou.
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