You make me laugh
You make me happy
You make me feel alive
I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I give you our life together
You give me your heart
You give me your soul
You give me our life together
I promise always to love you
I promise always to cherish you
I promise always to be by your side
Our 2 lives will move through life together
Our 2 lives will be better together
Our 2 lives will be one forever
My Narcissist ex husband's infidelity took a toll on my mental and physical health. He's a covert narcissist. His show of rage and anger was very infrequent. He started off as a loving husband until his real identity surfaced. I found out about his secret affairs, online gaming, draining our joint-account completely from my E-Trade account. Then lying when confronted. Thankfully I got this software hacker's contact on Telegram via @promttechrecover, who hacked his phone and gained me remote access to his phone activities. I was able to confront him with the proof of his infidelity. It took years for me to discover this term and it all finally made sense. You can chat with the software genius on Telegram via @prompttechrecovery, also reach him if you're not able to withdraw your BTC, USDT, ETH or USDC from any online trading platform. He's a legit hacker. It was very insidious and I look back and can’t believe I went along with this for years.
Queenlet 2024-06-11
Ben 2018-05-02
Ben 2017-03-11
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