How Do I Love Thee? Comments

  • Mixed emotions

    Only god knows how long we would live But keep in mind remember the former things you did with your spous missing Its sad to loose someone BUT god knows he has better things for you

    kAREN 2011-03-09

  • If You Only Knew

    Please read the biography of Elizabeth Barrett. It will make the last line clearer and more meaningful.

    Sandra 2011-01-13

  • Love beyond Death

    It's a deeply powerful finish to this, my favorite love poem. It speaks of a love that will transcend Death, a love that will last through eternity.

    zum 2010-10-27

  • Same difference

    "... till death do us part", "... love thee better after death"...Same difference. It is a beautiful poem no matter what.

    Honey 2010-04-19

  • same thoughts

    same feelings here.. I loved this poem too until I read the last line.. that's not something you wanna say at anytime..

    sweety 2010-01-28

  • not sure

    I liked this poem a lot until I got to the last line-- that's not something you want to say at a wedding!

    becca 2009-07-14

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